Sunday, March 17, 2013

Action Research Plan Project

Action Research Plan Project
How Can Data Driven School Wide Interventions Benefit Students Learning?
Use data to build intervention groups
Improve student scores on core area subjects school wide
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Obtain a copy of the State Mandated Test scores and become familiar with the breakdown of the results.

Cynthia Reid
March 2013
District STARR Data
Take notes on any concerning areas seen in the data.
Review the district data of the results of the State test. Then analyze the results.

Cynthia Reid
March 2013 – June 2013
District STARR Data
Categorize data to determine the area of greatest need
Review curriculum assessments given district wide and web-based interventions.

Cynthia Reid
Instructional Facilitator
March 2013 – June 2013
District wide results of core instructional assessments and data pulled from web-based interventions
Categorize data given from the district assessments and the web-based interventions and compare the two.
Interpret data received from resources.

Cynthia Reid
March 2013 – July 2013
Campus data, district data and state data
Reflect on any patterns that may appear or correlations throughout the data.    
Using data given propose and implement a plan to begin for the targeted students to improve over all academic abilities.
Cynthia Reid
Site Supervisor

July 2013 – August 2013
Campus data, district data and state data
Review and reflect on information received from data to help in the implementation of a plan.
Cynthia Reid
Site Supervisor
Instructional Facilitator
Intervention Teachers
August 2013
Presentation of interventions during campus in-service.
Campus data, district data, and state data.

Review intervention lesson plans, intervention observations, and teacher/ student survey.
Summative Assessment
Cynthia Reid
Site Supervisor
Instructional Facilitator
Intervention Teachers
March 2014 – May 2014
STARR Testing materials and district summative assessments.
Compare district summative data from previous years and STARR data
(if available)
Present outcomes and future plans
Cynthia Reid
Site Supervisor
Instructional Facilitator
August 2014
Updated campus data, district data and state data
Action research presentation

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Hi Cindy,
    It may be beneficial to add more detail to your steps. Once you determine the greatest area of need, are you targeting just one subject area? How will you determine the targeted students? I ask that question because one of your steps is to review data for the targeted students to improve over all academic abilities.

  2. Ok, Thanks! This is so helpful! :)
    My plan is To improve all academic levels but I guess I need to clarify. :)

    1. I try to keep in mind that it's a work in progress. I haven't narrowed my plan down to a specific grade level either. All I know is that reading is the subject area I will focus on. I think once we get started, it will all become clearer. Good luck!

  3. Cindy, will you be focusing on one specific grade level or 3-5? I'm guessing it's just upper grades because you will be analyzing STAAR Data, but your goal seems to target every student. If you are going to focus on 3-5, will you have enough time to conduct the observations? I have reviewed other action plans, where they were targeting 2-5 grades, and they have narrowed their focus group, and are focusing on just one grade level. The following year they will target another grade level. It's just a thought, if you have the time to collect all data for those grade levels, then it would be great! Best of luck to you, and I'm looking forward to following your project!

  4. This is great feedback. I will look through my research plan again and make some changes.
    I am looking at 2nd – 5th grade. This years second graders will be tested in 3rd grade. If we make preparations now they will be ready then.
    Thank you for your thoughts this is giving me lots to think about 

  5. Good work. Your plan looks like it is headed in the right direction. I don't think it will be too difficult to analyze data for grades 2-5. However, I am not sure you have enough data to determine that what is currently being implemented is working. If your school has the data for two or three years back, use that to determine growth and find out what programs have been implemented over that time to compare to the score outcome. This might help you better assess what programs provide positive results. Finally, I would like to share my opinion that evidence of learning should not always be tied to a standardized test. There are a number of factors that can lead to poor results on any given day that have nothing to do with what a child knows. What are the other ways your campus assesses student learning and achievement? Even though the numbers are harder to find, utilizing this data might get you better results. Good luck!

  6. Great topic! Like the others, I was concerned that your project might be too broad in scope, but I see you are targeting certain grades. My only other question is how you will analyze specific interventions currently being offered if there are more than one as in my district. Or are you going to analyze the current offerings as a whole? Just some thoughts. Good luck on your project!

  7. I like your plan. I am doing something similar at the high school level and using CTE courses to enhance learning in core classes. My first though in reading through your plan is that it is very broad. My other question is about the intervention. I guess I just wanted more detail about what type of intervention(s) you would be using. I look at my plan and realize my implementation part is not very specific either. It is kind of hard to know what you are going to do until you analyze the data. You can follow me (please - I need comments)at

  8. I enjoyed reading your plan. I have the same thoughts as some of the other comments from above. I see now that you are going to specify grades 2-5 and I like that you are thinking ahead to next year's 3rd graders. Seeing that you mentioned "making preparations now" are you going to change the time line of your plan? Or are you just anticipating how to go about getting ready for next year? Looks good though and looks like you know what you are going to be heading towards. Here is my blog if you have some time. I am still working on this week due to some difficulties with my site supervisor. http:/

  9. Your plan is great. I have found your plan and the comments from other on your plan very helpful! Good luck and I and interested in seeing you results.
